I don’t want to take time to say much about this book or it’s author. Of course, this is actually three books. I tried a slightly different technique to get through it without being totally bored – I played it at three times speed. It worked okay, but ever since the nice vizsla and his family we’re introduced I knew who the stepmother was, so that part of the plot build up was not exciting at all. Also, while marginally better, the author’s idea of dramatic vulnerability and prolonged setup before getting to the fun of the story still remains. The bad guys are perceptibly immortal and insanely evil. The good guys are always at a disadvantage and sometimes so stupid I’m surprised they could operate a toaster. The one thing that keeps me from absolutely hating this story is the confidence that it will end well. however screwed up most of it might be, it has some real creative ideas in it and it is assured to end well. I can’t say I outright dislike this story, only I can’t say that I enjoyed it either. still a bit too depressing, still a bit too boring.