Full disclosure, I’ve known Kevin since maybe 2018. Well, I read his stories. I didn’t get to know him personally for another year or two after that. He was always a cool cat who had a real love for sci-fi and horror. We used to joke we were brothers beyond blood, as in from another mother. I was always in awe of his writing skill.

This is one hell of a collection of some of his best works. I’d like to think that some of his better stuff came out just prior to his passing; I know I thought it did, but these stories, one and all, are deeply personal tales if you step back from the source material and see what is actually written. He should have worked with Rod Serling, but he’d have made Serling look bad.

Bennett has pipes that work, as well as that singing fella with the same last name, Tony. You know who I’m talking about, and I don’t think there could have been anyone better to do the narration. As I listened, I kept thinking that Kevin Couldn’t have done any better if he read his stories himself.

Get this collection. You’ll be glad you did.