After the first book I was stuck wondering about all the reviews claiming the MC being OP, like when and where? In a nutshell and even in the second book he is just some normal player who’s brain just happens to let them level a little faster, that’s about it. As for his running in head first like a moron, he isn’t a gamer really so he is a one thousand percent n00b lol! Leroy Jenkins would be proud! (Okay he isn’t that bad really! Lol)

What I am sick and tired of is the two who are his so called friends constantly getting mad at him for little to no reason and has become a trope in too many stories. Look I am sorry the two lost their sister and girlfriend in an ambush…one they were totally warned about but took on anyways, because she turned off her settings to feel better because the two wanted to do some boom boom, but that has jack all to do with Zee,

Hell they didn’t even care about the sword till they found out what it could do then had the damn nerve to be piss off at Zee when he told them something even he could hardly believe, he’ll they KNOW how the whole story sounds and I am sick of those two constantly getting pissed at him! Sorry but I would have deck her back and told her if you are that good Miss I got respawn 3 times, you and your best friend go get the sword back, come find me when you do, I rez your friend and if she just happens to be highly upset that she has no physical body anymore, I get to point to you two, and you talk ALL the hate that comes with that bag of nukes!

Other than that annoying junk, I think the story is pretty good so far! All I can as is for the love of all can we not have any more characters pissed at the MC because he forgot to tell them he shook it 3 times taking a leak?

I don’t normally write reviews and I am sure it show but Monk girl is REALLY starting to get on my nerves!!!!