J.B. Turner always manages to catch me off-guard and flat-footed. He’s done it again with this, the first in the American Ghost Thriller series.

A burgeoning cast of diverse characters makes this story convoluted, yet intriguing. From the main political figure, a presidential hopeful, and his staff, to the shadow soldiers who carry out specific agendas based on the needs of high-ranking, politically savvy leaders, these characters engage the reader. The intricate plot defies logic by taking issues that should be black and white, easily discerned, and instead creates shades of gray. Is this right because a powerful leader says so? Or because it seems best for the country? Or because it seems the best solution morally? What happens if the brilliant plan doesn’t work?

Those that operated in the shadows have created a monster- an American Ghost- out of a “dead man.” But they apparently never read “Frankenstein’s Monster,” and they’re not prepared for plans that go awry.

I heartily recommend this novel for fans of political thrillers and complex suspense reads. This author not only writes a brilliant story with deep and deadly characters, but he also has no problem killing those characters off with impunity.