I liked the first two books.

The story started going South for me when Lauren pulled a gun on Christian after Christian let the family know what had happened to Lauren’s grandparents and his involvement in it. If anyone ever treated me the way Lauren treated Christian, then I would have left them and never looked back. I guess it was allowed since Lauren is female?

The story only went more South when the wild animals and water in their community were poisoned, and the family not only didn’t have a well-stocked supply of antibiotics, but they also knew nothing about medicinal herbs and weren’t growing any. I would have gone to ask the woman in the woods for help. I would have asked her for help the moment I knew she was growing medicinal herbs.

The story continued going South when the most trained people (Lauren, Christian, and Fred) went out seeking for medical help. Even if they hadn’t been ambushed, they would have gone too far and been away for too long to save those who had been poisoned and to have protected the others from further attack. On top of that, these well-trained people somehow got ambushed without any explanation as to how that was even possible.

The end came for me when Lauren got caught after killing five men. Her first priority should have been to keep a close watch on her surroundings, yet somehow she was able to get attacked from behind.

I agree that Lauren is a loose cannon. She was likable in the beginning. She became increasingly unlikable the more she verbally and physically attacked others unnecessarily. It doesn’t matter whether or not they “deserved” it. Her actions didn’t help her cause.

I also didn’t like listening to people being abused. I know that it happens. I don’t need to visualize the details.

Lauren should have learned Gracie Jiu Jitsu with some Judo instead of Kempo.

I am interested to know what happened but not enough to continue listening to the series.