When I grabbed this, it didn’t click that this was a spinoff of the Hidden species series. And unfortunately, their is enough cross over with the characters that you do need a working understanding of the characters from that series to really understand maybe not the main MC’s but the secondary ones that play very important parts and are mentioned throughout the book.
I only listened to the first two of that series, so I got pretty confused during several very important parts of this story.

For anyone that hasn’t listened to or read any of the Hidden series, then this book would be a no-go.

This story itself was ok. You’ve Asher and Garrett both with their own agenda. They make a pack, and along the way, they become friends and fall in love. Garrett makes the town and people fall in love with him, and he falls in love in return. Even though Garrett goes on the journey with two other colleagues, we actually don’t hear much about them. This book definitely focuses on the hidden species characters and the couple of new demons.
The mystery tale is a good one, and we are left not knowing the end. It’s not left with a cliffhanger. Just the tale is not finished

The narration is marvelous, JL brings everyone to life.