This book is like the others in this series. The heads of the mafia come together to make a plan by selling their daughters to the other mafia heads so that they could end the war. Tiernan (still hate him even after everything) gets the daughter from the Hernandez family, Rosa). He hates her and makes it absolutely known for 80% of the book. I still hate him even after everything. He is cruel and just overall a disgusting human. He refuses to make a baby with her because he considers her an enemy (for reasons that honestly aren’t even good enough for the hatred he gives her; this man was cruel to her for 80% of the book okay!) He comes up with a proposal that she is to make a baby with Colin (his cousin) or Shay (his brother) to satisfy the terms of the treaty. Rosa counters that if she has to be with them then every time they are together he has to watch! Rosa is tough and will not back down no matter what Tiernan (the donkey; I can’t type the other word) does to her. She falls for Shay and Colin because they are sooo sweet to her. Shay is like a murderous puppy and Colin the big burly bear who is a big softy for only her. Tiernan barely has any redemption in my eyes. He gives her a few well placed words and Rosa just accepts that he loves her. After reading this, you will understand why that is just HIGHLY unbelievable.

Anyways, the book was good and I enjoyed it. Tiernan still sucks though. I listened to this through Audible and the narrators did a good job. The female narrator was Okay with the male lines. It would have been better if it was duet but I digress. Overall, I enjoyed the book and I am looking forward to the rest of the series. I read the “Forget me not Bombshell” first and that one is still my favorite.