I listened to two books back-to-back, not realizing that Joel Leslie read both until later. I’ve listened to a number of books read by him, and he is an incredible voice actor. I never have those moments of confusion trying to figure out who is speaking, much less their gender, when he is the narrator. I am convinced he could read the phone book and make it sound interesting.

The book itself is a standard romance, and not Lily Morton’s best. (I like The Mysterious and Amazing Blue Billings better, although it has a lower rating. That one is a ghost story, spooky without being gory.) But if you want romance with a guarantee of a happily ever after (which I do), then Lily Morton is a sure bet. If you want it mixed with mystery, Alice Winters works, too. Both are wonderful if you want to avoid depressing fiction. I don’t know why the arty crowd insists on sad endings.

Again, amazing narration — no, make that voice acting.