I rate this 4.8-4.9 star. Compared amongst the other books in this series. Which is amongst my favorites of litrpgs.

Not one book out of the four is below 4.75. And for principal sake I don’t think I ever rate anything 5. So why this one at 4.8-4.9. Cause in this 4th book I can’t put it similar than saying there are some aspects I felt even was a step up to the books in this fantastic entertaining litrpg. Though there are other aspects that was a step down. As a whole I feel the book stays true to form with the essence of the story and world creation. It’s mostly a very specific personal preference to which took away from some parts the fourth book for me. Kinda vague spoiler here. Nothing to specific. I just felt Ryune was kinda left behind a little. With his progression and frankly with what the writer decided to write towards his involvement especially at the end part of the story. I think it’s dope to see how his friend progressed. Again it’s just my own silly opinion. But I felt the story could have been written with both having the same action and progression without taking from the other or the story. Not going to go into detail. Cause if you read the other books I’d still say this is absolutely worth continuing and look forward to the next