This is the second installment in Bobby Akart’s dystopian Blackout Series. I have been a fan of this author for some time now. I’ve read many of his series and enjoyed each one for different reasons. One of the things I enjoy most about this author is that they aren’t completely fiction series. They are fiction in the fact that they haven’t occurred yet, yet being the keyword. He creates well thought out and researched scenarios that could happen. He adds in some events that have occurred. There is always plenty of action and this book does not disappoint. The author set the dystopian event in the first book, now in the second there is much more action. We have learned enough about the main characters to form emotional attachments that add a new level to the action packed scenes. I am anxious to begin the next book in this series. I chose to listen to the audio version of this book and the narrator does an exceptional job of adding emotions to the authors words.