*As I predicted as soon as the audio version was released by Soundbooth Theater. I jumped on it, instantly grabbing it up! It was totally worth listening to the book even though I’d just recently read it. Coming in at just over 19hrs it was all Jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott goodness. It’s hard to say if it was better then the first time though because rinoZ is a fine writer. But yeah, for it really was, giving the book a more weighty feel.

What can I say, I love, Love, LOVE this series so much. Each book is seemingly better than the last, and I thought bk1 was perfect! I was initially holding out for the audiobook because, Soundbooth Theater! But finally couldn’t wait a minute longer, and yes I’ll still get the audiobook once it’s released. Because Soundbooth Theater!
Anthony is at his best planning for the future of the colony and how to survive the dungeon and the monster attack from Garralosh the 200yr old croca-beast and her children. There’s nothing for it but to power-up everyone. The colony, the Queen mother, his sisters, his monster pets, and of course himself, even the human village they’re allied gets the treatment! And wow, that’s gonna be such a big job. Can Anthony do it in time? Find out by grabbing the book, the whole series if you need to, because you won’t wanna miss a moment! And before you know it Between a Rock and a Carapace will be released June 20th (but who’s counting.)

I love sharing quotes the amuse me, but there was a plethora of choices and I couldn’t stop myself from going overboard this time. šŸ™ƒ

“The woman was as skinny as a wooden rake chewed by termites already…”

ā€œAfternoon, brood chambers this way! Can always use more help. Lots of brood lately! :)ā€ … “How the hell did they invent the scent-emoji in such a short time?”

“The best thing to forget about your own pain sometimes, is to inflict it on others.”

“Iā€™m a little worried about Tiny. Heā€™s always been thicker than a concrete milkshake.”

“Innocent little bugs, living a life of non-violence that would make Ghandi proud?”

“She smiles. Iā€™m sorry to report that it doesnā€™t make her look any less fierce.”

“[I suppose, itā€™s nice to meet you, Anthony. I guess I canā€™t call you ā€˜Monsterā€™ anymore.] I shrug my antennae. [Call me whatever makes you happy. Itā€™s no chitin off my carapace.”

“[Move those Fancy Feet, Tiny! Do NOT stop to fight. Do NOT turn and do battle. This is NOT the time to fire up! We are a Jamaican Bobsled team, keep cool and run!]”

“He scratches his cheek, looking a bit embarrassed. [Well, Morrelia had me practise the greetinā€™ dance oā€™ cooperation andā€”]
[Iā€™m sorry, what?] I break in incredulously.
[The uhā€¦ greetinā€™ dance of cooperation?] When I make no move to answer, his face falls a little. [Thereā€™s no such thing, is there?]”