Not my fav theme, nor is the ex theme. Have a thing for the littleeveryday guy premise, but this was good in true Lily Morton fashion. There is always growth in her characters, except for the irredeemable. Just like in real life where love is allowed entry there’s something to appreciate. There’s more to the story, though not nearly as much as the first book in series. Morton likes to throw in wrenches and some are more original than others. I just find rich people tiresome and the rich people theme overrides every other theme in this book. At least they all come off as clowns, a redeemable quality in this story.

This was recorded back when Joel Leslie hadn’t learned how to take a beat between paragraphs yet, one of his greatest traits during an argument that beats out many other good narrators (he has enough breath for 20 people). Not as easy to get along with during intimate and reflective moments, making every moment feel rushed. Still, he’s so much better than his initial artistic vision now than he was back then.