Hello there, Dark and Twisty book! Man, this one made me go nuts (The good kind) with all the plot twists and SHOCKS. I thought I had a good sense of where this book was going at first… THOUGHT. Just know going into this book, not all is laid out bare until the very end!

To me, this falls along the line of a dark Beauty and the Beastish retelling, even though I don’t think that was the intent. But it’s got everything. A Castle, A young girl looking for work, A broody, MUCH OLDER “Master of the Castle” with so many dark secrets and traumatic past…WITH A beast like appearance (Scars and a huge figure), and more!

I was thoroughly roughed up with this book, let me tell you. LITERAL WHIPLASH.

The only reason why this wasn’t a 5/5 was the constant back and forth to the past then back to the present day. A lot of it was extremely confusing at first. But once the pace picked up, it was much more easy to grasp the concept. I also felt there were some characters thrown in last minute for dramatic effect. That’s cool and all, but there was SO MUCH Story happening. Side story after side story, plot point after plot point.

At the end of this book journey though, I was impressed and will be recommending this to anyone looking for a darkish romance. This one is a page turner!!!

Plot 4/5

Narration FMC 5/5 MMC 5/5

Spice… 4/5. There was spice, dont get me wrong, but it is not the point of this book. So some details were lacking. But Over-all the spice was organic with the plot!