I like long stories, but they must hold my interest. This one took a while to hook me, but it was a wonderful read when it did.

It was full of examples of how the culture and religion dictated behavior over four generations. It made me think about the issues my own mother and grandmother faced, and how those issues shaped our families. For example, my grandmother was Irish, and married a German, both the same religion, but she passed his church on the way to hers! Her family was opposed to their marriage because of his heritage, and would not help her with her 5 children because of it. It made her life so much harder than it needed to be.

All one has to do is listen to the news to feel the decline of morality. Eve’s Daughters describes how the morality of the time forced women into submission. In that respect I’m glad for the change. While I regret how some people behave today, it underscores how each generation has challenges to overcome.

I think that Kitty Hendrix did a very good job with her narration. Each of the characters sounded natural for who they were.

If you are interested in stories about cultural influences over time, please enjoy Eve’s Daughters.