This was just not a very good book or series. My OCD made me complete this short three-book series though, so I’ll also do a final review on Book 3.
My primary complaint is how quickly civilization just absolutely fell apart when the power went out. It was literally within minutes. People started looting and shooting. The Purge movies are more believable. At the beginning, the government is suppressing the truth about the solar storm. Even the scientist neighbor hasn’t clued in at all. Then within an hour or so, everyone has figured out the truth though there still isn’t any official announcement, and they’re all on the road clogging up the highways and emptying the gas stations. Lootings and car jackings have begun, whether the threat of the solar flare lives up to the rumors or not.
Most of the characters aren’t very likeable either, and they act illogically. The most egregious is the psycho Gary, who literally wants to toss the main protagonist Abraham’s daughter out of their secret / not-so-secret compound, calling her useless and a drain on resources, yet Abraham is all “He’s my best friend, I’ll overlook it.” Meanwhile, literally everything Abraham has planned and is doing is to protect his wife & daughter. He’s super perceptive when the plot requires it, but is a complete dumbass otherwise. And the Joshua character was such a dumb plot device. I actually liked him at first as a rare nice guy Nick & Co. came across, but it quickly became clear what he was when he somehow followed Nick & Co. to the compound, was refused entry, promised them they’d regret it, but is still supposed to be a nice guy, even though he’s the source of all their troubles, supposedly.
The narrator is not very good either. I couldn’t tell the difference between most of the characters, so I often didn’t know who was talking or thinking.
If I could go back, I would not have started this series.