I thought the book long for what was an important, but oft-repeated, theme. Clearly Korten is on track that corporations lack human conscience or compassion and should be more supportive of basic human needs and equity. However, only broad and generalized solutions are suggested versus more practical and tactical steps toward approaching such an alternative future. From a perspective as a ‘Sermon on the Mount’, message heard! The people need to force corporations to have a conscience with a goal of balancing human needs with stockholders’ and bankers’ desires for profit.

Although the 2nd edition was important in re-invigorating the message and updating the framework, very little of the original 30 year old research and data were updated. These anachronisms often weakened the contemporary argument. Learned readers would know this and just view that information as no longer relevant to the argument. Hopefully, new scholars will pick up where Korten left off and carry the message forward as the symbiotic relationships between corporations and governments creates a parasitic relationship upon the people.