I truly enjoyed the story. The narrators did well, The female narrator sort of didn’t have the voice for the gruff male voices you would expect. However if you are an avid reader or an avid audiobooker hound, Then that won’t stop you from enjoying a fantastic rade. There were parts of the story that I felt could have been done a little Bit more like how a man would handle it.
My favorite part is in the beginning where she finally gets the guy that she had been pining for only to find out that hes terrible At the things a woman want you to be the best at, or at least attempt to be, was a very relatible experience for me. That part happens early on in the book and if you’ve ever had the guy that you thought was the man of your dreams only to Find out you had no idea why you liked them to begin with, You will relate too and probably laugh and shake your head at yourself thinking, been there done that, lol!