First, I want to point out that there is some merit to the criticisms levied by other reviewers. Those that are pointing out the story isn’t unique or inventive, or strolls down the religious isle a little too far, you’re also not “wrong”. But you’re not technically correct either.

In order to understand why it’s not “right” to assign those critiques, you need to understand what you are attributing to “the author’s christianity etc etc” is not as it appears. If you are reading the Infinite Timeline, you get it (or at least you should by now depending on where you’re at in the timeline), I don’t want to post spoilers for any other books, But suffice it to say that if you read this book, and feel as though there are too many “intelligent design” references, then you are 100% picking up what Jeremy is putting down, you just don’t have the rest of the information to understand what that means within the Infinite Universe.

Keep reading/listening.

Now, for my review.

Story: Fantastic. If you are paying attention, and aren’t viewing the book as a standalone, then you’re in for a treat. Robinson, as always, uses fact and fiction to blend theology, myth, and urban legend into a great story full of twists and turns.

Performance: Bray is the man. And Jeffery is definitely #2 in my book. And both deliver the goods here. Freakin Amazing, as Skippy would say.

Overall: READ IT. Then KEEP READING. You need to consume the entire Infinite Timeline to wrap you’re head around it all. It’s a lot, but it’s totally worth it.