First let me start off with a warning. If you get scared easily DO NOT listen to this right before bed and/or in a dark room. I swear it was 10 times more creepy being able to hear the wariness in the MCs voices whenever all the ghost activity was going on. *shivers* That being said, Joel Leslie did a fabulous job bringing Will and Jem to life. The Sceptic might be a scary tale, but there is plenty of Lily Morton’s signature snark between these two throughout the book. It helped add lightness to an otherwise darker tale. Much of this book is dedicated to the plot line of the haunting, while the romance takes a bit of a back seat until closer to the end. After all, it’s hard to be romantic when you’re sleep deprived and scared out of your wits. Don’t worry though, there’s plenty of UST to build up to it all.

Jem was such a likeable character and he was the perfect partner for Will, whom I already adored from his previous appearances in Blue and Levi’s books. He was patient with Will, but he also knew when to push which can be a delicate balance where Will is concerned. Will’s past experiences prevent him from rushing headlong into any sort of romantic entanglement, but luckily for Jem (and us) he proves too hard to resist. The ending of their story is so satisfying. You can tell how absolutely happy they are with both each other and the direction their lives have taken together. After what Will has lived through, it was a joy to see him happy and settled in the end.