Although I like the narrator’s voice he is unable to make distinguishable voices! That is important in audible books. Many times it sounds like the same person is talking to each other! you have to listen very closely to realize when the other character is speaking in a dialogue, because all the voices sound exactly alike! This is a big deal. Not sure how he feels that a young boy, young girl, young men and older women all sound exactly alike.
Now as for the story…it’s pretty good.
Sometimes you cringe when the author is spewing some super right-wing Fox news nonsense. Since it’s a Christian themed book, which is what I love, I just have to overlook the ultra right wing rhetoric. Like acting as if the white supremacists hate groups are just a bunch of concerned patriots. Those parts are very cringe-worthy, and difficult to reconcile the fact that a Christian author is an apologists for clear racist hate groups. Other than that I enjoy a good story with no profanity or vulgarity. I even agree with the main concepts about how this world has turned it’s back on God. So I like this authors books and have quite a few. Give it a try. Just don’t let anyone try to minimize racism or don’t allow anyone to celebrate racist hate groups; but that’s going to be up to you the listener.