After listening to Mr. Eberhart’s brilliant “There goes Sunday School,” I was anxious to listen to more of his writings. “Sunday School” is definitely in the top 3 of my favorite LGBTQ YA books of all time, but Lock & West is at the opposite end of the spectrum. While I understand the characters need one or two struggles to work through to make the book interesting, this book takes it to a whole new level. There were points in the story that I literally said out loud “Are you kidding me?” NO ONE ever opens up to to anyone else about their problems. 3/4 through the book and I’ve heard. “I wanted to tell him/her but I couldn’t” at least a dozen times. It’s exhausting. Some of West’s comments are funny, but there‘s no happiness in this book, If you like Soap Operas, this book is for you. Come on Mr Eberhart, you can do better than this.