Kira Morgana is a used and abused façade at this point. We all love her, she’s cute and perky; tends to pep up every encounter… but she’s full of shit. Everyone who has read this far knows this, and yet you abuse this notion ad hominem as filler. This book is 75% fake/not gonna happen romance sandwiched between carnage. Fake/weak Kira should not be your end game. You need to move beyond this fantasy and give us a Tavore Paran, or a Monzcarro Murcatto. But once you reach that point you need to destroy it, and then start with a new fabricated personage, along with different side characters. Quit being a wet willy with what’s already established, bathe your fans with the blood of your characters and move on, leaving us caked in gore in a new wonderland to be explored . This is what I think is tasty. It’s getting less and less shiny as you keep glomming on Kira.

edit* Boxy is a monster, stop forgetting this.