I have been wanting to read this title for a while but I wasn’t sure if I had to read both of Blue’s books before hand. I think you need to know who is who in the Blue series to really enjoy this.

Slight spoilers

So in here we have Will, the best friend of Blue. He is working in the bookstore (from the first series) and still very sure all people will eventually leave him

Jem is a videographer from the second Blue book. He and Will have been circling each other for a while.

Jem is gonna do the video for a house where ghost phenomena are occurring and invites Will along as a sceptic, hence the title

Things start happening from the moment Will shows up. Ben and the group decided that nothing more was going to happen and the group thinks it’s all done until they start getting haunted once they leave. They bring in Blue to help.

Sidenote, it makes no sense that Blue was not involved from the beginning.

Once the haunting has been resolved, Will and Jem finally talk like grownups and decide to take a chance on each other.

Meanwhile, Will and Blue are given the bookstores and Will finally gets a home of his own.

I’m not going to lie, this was way too long. It really needed to be trimmed down.

I didn’t really feel the romance in this one. I think maybe if love was mentioned before the last page, it would have worked better.

They are also going to go help Ben and Liam again, who I hope is the next couple to get their own HEA.