I finally found a good analogue for the main characters. Zac continues to be my favorite character, as like Einstein he reads about everything he does, researches and practices it to death. Then creates a plan.

Ryun continues to be the least interesting character. As he remains cultivation Jesus. Whatever he decides he wants to do, plot armor continues to be how he does it. Theres no mystery to his character at all.

I like most of the characters, but the author insists on amateur hour world building and progression. the series is named infinite realm, problem is, infinite apparently means born yesterday in this series. Ryun makes the most basic observation and these beings who have been around for hundreds and thousands of years have never heard of it. Essentially like this.

Ryun : I think water is wet.
Everybody : I’ve lived for hundreds of years, but no one has ever said that. Ryun you’re a genius.

I’m exaggerating, but not by much. Get used to that type of writing throughout the title.

I personally just skipped the majority of Ryuns sections.

otherwise it was a good read. there are some interesting reveals which set up an interesting future. Unfortunately Ryun continues to be the series’ worst character.