It is always a pleasure to have a new Silence Jones action thriller to listen to, and I can say that this newer one in the series (book 5) was just as good as the others, if not a bit better. If you have had the chance to listen to any of them, I would recommend this one as well. The books are well crafted and smart in their flow. The author, Erik Carter, does a wonderful job of keeping a balance between action and story, making the audiobook feel more like a real event. I have never been disappointed with anything I have listened to the audiobook’s narrator Gary Bennett. His ability to narrate is exceptional and often sets the bar for other books I review. This duo seems to have a thing going as the audiobooks appear to get better with each new release. If you are one that likes action and story, give this series a listen.

The author seems to open each of the audiobooks with flair and action. This fifth book in the series is no exception. The listener is thrown right into a scene with guns, explosives, and kidnapping. What more could you ask for in an action thriller? The author has a writing style and is detailed enough that one can picture the events while leaving some room for the listener to craft their own ideas. This audiobook, like the others, opens with a clearly defined event that takes the listener on a journey, yet the path is never as straight or easy as one would imagine.

I found that Silence felt more vulnerable in some ways, having an injury from the previous audiobook. He found that he faced not only opponents that could hit harder, but many that also were able to outwit him as well. There were times I would image this being the last audiobook in the series as I did not think Silence would be able to pull out a win, but he is Silence Jones in the series but it was no surprise that he pulled off the win. I wanted more Cicci and Mrs. Enfield in this story, yet I can hope for more in future ones. These are characters that often played a big role in Silence’s success, but this time it did not feel that was the case. We did get a bit more of a view into the Watchers organization and just how wrapped into all areas of our government and the extent of their control over officials. I did not count, but I think Silence in this audiobook was more vocal than previous ones. That raspy voice, which Gary Bennett has become, continues to amaze, and surprise me every time I hear it. I can feel the pain with every word spoken in my own throat.

I found this audiobook to contain some well thought out fight scenes and the main antagonist felt smarter than Silence. This change in tactics often required Silence to divert from his normal path of using strength to engaging his brain to solve the problem. I also do not remember the previous audiobooks having as much betrayal as this one did. So, I can say that the author did change things up a bit keeping a similar story but throwing in a few more twists and turns along the way.

About the audiobook’s narration, I can say that a narrator that has over one hundred and fifty audiobooks under their name is a true veteran. I look forward to the next one hundred and fifty as well. Mr. Bennett keeps the voicing of the many characters consistent, not only in the one audiobook, but over the five thus far in the series. As stated earlier, his ability to make me feel the pain when Silence speaks says what power he has when voicing characters. Even Mrs. Enfield and Cicci I like because of the great narration. No question that the production is professional, and I do not recall any noticeable pops, swallows, or other background noise while listening.

For parents and younger listeners, I have said that this series is not intended for younger audiences. There is language and graphic violence that would have me recommend it to only more mature audiences. Again, not over the top, but can be a bit strong on adult themes at times.

In summary, the fifth book in the Silence Jones series (Dead Air) is a wonderful addition to the series and brings with it a few new trails that need to be explored requiring different tactics. I like that change as it still felt like a Silence Jones novel, but with a twist. The writing and narration were both solid and enjoyable. This audiobook is a great addition to an already strong action thriller series.