I thoroughly enjoyed this book. And, as always, any book narrated by Joel Froomkin is an absolute joy. Joel breathes life into every character, no matter if it’s a single line in the whole book.

Taking place in England, a wealthy Lord learns that a female cousin in America has been left orphaned, and although 18, women in the 19th Century were not considered able to take care of themselves, this despite the fact that Susanah has inherited quite a bit of land and money. So, doing his duty, Lord Richard Ramsay sends a proposal of marriage. Susanah accepts and boards a ship to England.

Richard’s other cousin, Jane, had assumed the mantle of Lady of the House upon the death of Richard’s mother, for home she had been taken on as companion 10 years earlier. Oh, and Richard had proposed to Jane 10 years ago, but she turned him down, at the time because she didn’t know him well, but in the intervening years, she has fallen in love with him. And, of course, Richard is oblivious to this, but everyone else in the household know it.

And yet another cousin, a poorer relation, has been working as Richard’s valet for the last two years. So Richard sends Peter to accompany Susanah from the docks to his mansion. Peter is immediately smitten, as is Susanah, but neither can say anything because of her betrothel to Richard.

Susanah is not as cultured as a British lady would be, so she is a little backwards in the things she says and does. But she learns something new every day, mostly in Peter’s company.

So, you can probably guess at the Rom-Com elements I’ve described and the complications that ensue.

But the author knows how British society worked in those days and gives the story authenticity for the times. Joel Froomkin’s voices bring all these characters to life perfectly. Joel always puts a little movie in my head, his characters and even the situations performed exquisitely.

If you’re a Rom Com fan, or a fan of Sheri Cobb South’s books, you will thoroughly enjoy this one, too.