The story is fun, intriguing, emotional and light. The first-person view is refreshing, and the MC significantly develops during the book IMHO. Yeah, he has more than a pinch of OP and luck, but hey, who doesn’t like a good OP MC?

For me, the English humour, the self-irony and the characters’ interplay hit the right spot! One more thing the ending had an unexpected twist for me, which made me even more eager for book 2.

The bad, yea, every coin has two sides. The most noticeable thing for me is the … length. I was very disappointed with the fact that I was able to finish this book in a sleepless night and a short ending the next day.

TL;DR; A short, fun trip in postapocalyptic America with a system, seen through the eyes of a mature character … in most of the time 😀