If I read the description of this book when I bought it I didn’t read it very well. I wasn’t expecting this book or the story. This is a great book! So, many books these days have sex in them where everyone is omni sexual where everyone is having sex with everyone. Plus everyone is every kind of sexuality people can imagine. This book has none of it and a great story!

The story started out with bible quotes and lots of religion. It was different to listen to because it didn’t make it over the top forcing people to convert. Instead the bible quotes blended into the story which help the reader see things from the characters prospective. There are those in the story who talk religion and faith, but don’t walk it. You can tell them because their always getting wounded!

As I listened to the story I began looking around me. I’m described as a minimalist and after COVID-19 I have less. After this book I’m looking at what would happen if another COVID-19 event happened. This author did an awesome job researching what would happen if an EMP hit the world. It really makes the reader look at COVID-19 in a whole new light. We had people fighting over TP and shortages of everything. I’m honestly making sure i have some food in my house instead of living week to week keeping very little. Plus it’s time to look at how I live my life. I won’t be sitting in a church, but I will sit in a meditation retreat center or a UU center. This book caused me to look at many things and I will keep looking.

I’m glad I read this book series.