I am thoroughly happy with “Quarter Share” and so eager to start “Half Share” that i nearly didn’t pause to write this review.

I had never read any of Nathan’s work before. I can honestly say that I’ll be reading everything I can find (budget permitting, I’ll get to them all eventually).

I have no complaints or criticisms. This story flowed well, made sense for the characters and never got bogged down with any extraneous BS like so many seem to. That said, I felt like character development was well handled and I look forward to learning more about them throughout this series.

The reader took a little while for me to get used to, but by the end, I was in the groove with his style which is a bit more subdued than some of my favorites, but by no means dull or bad in any way.

Overall, I am enjoying this series and intend to continue with the second book in mere minutes.

I will be recommending this title and author to one and all.0