right up front I recommend this story to anybody reading this review. I tend to take it easy on the 1st of any new series as first in general tend to be shaky. in this case it was mostly shaky right at the beginning and then got real good real quick. I did get this audiobook for free in exchange for an honest review. I went ahead and used my Kindle unlimited to pick up the ebook as well just in case there was any additional information that’s not a part of the audiobook. sometimes you’ll get artwork or extra notations at the ending but not this time. everything that’s in the ebook is also available in the audiobook and I do appreciate the section at the end titled William’s bestiary if I remember correctly. the story is centered around a 53-year-old man who after 10 years of a sedentary lifestyle loses his wife and son in the opening days of the Apocalypse. it’s not clear whether it is due to him being old and unhealthy or simply and unlucky spawn of a mob. things are rough in the beginning as the character seems to come off as almost a coward hiding in fear from the world. again I state that the author skips the first three days of the Apocalypse and so we really don’t know what happened only that the character has great growth potential which is a dress rather quickly and gets us to a pretty good place by the end of the story in my opinion. the main character as he ranks up starts to get the benefit of becoming fitter while turning back the clock on his age and strengthening his mind. he’s got a unique class that allows him to build a base where Humanity can rally around. Humanities not the only sentient beings that have been screwed over by this alien group or entity that has brought about the apocalypse. there are some interesting monsters with the more traditional ones having been given non-traditional names. there is a nod to Monty Python when it comes to the fiercest of the Beast. the narrator is brand new to me but I quite enjoyed his performance. ultimately I am very interested in a book too and will simply say Well done to everybody who had a hand and bringing this story to us, the audiobook listeners.