The narrator takes some getting used to, but eventually you do. The story? I’m half way through it and it makes me cringe how much the author wrote Clara like she’s 13 and not an 18-23 year old adult female. Which makes her “romance” with Elliot feel like father/daughter relationship, that’s extremely creepy. It also does drag on repeating the same things. I’m not sure if I knew these things I would of started reading it but since I’m already half way through it, I’m going to finish it… no matter how much it pains me. It’s just so painful at times… I’m stomping my feet, I’m throwing a 3 year olds temper tantrum, I’m too afraid of sex with somebody who I’ve loved for over 2 years. we just snuggle and kiss and laugh and snuggle and fight and kiss and fight and kiss “do you feel the electric kiss?! … ouuuii.” It’s like they’re 15 year olds making out at a movie theater for 30+ hours and Elliot is supposedly 300+ years old .. which again makes the main relationship just so CREEPY. The sister Nikki is probably the most interesting part of the book. She could be a book of her own.