The story was as bland as a hospital pancake. The characters as shallow as a special needs swimming pool. Fortunately this doesn’t become a total travesty until book 3.

(Spoilers if that’s possible, this book is extremely predictable)

The magic activations or whenever he used his “origin” to touch others “magic” was clearly a euphemism for orgasms. On top of that the thought process of the sister when she becomes more “pragmatic” was clearly incest. Talking about how she’s going to keep her brother from other females because she was clearly superior made me incredibly uncomfortable. With all this going on the cringe inducing description of these characters physical appearance sounded like horny teenager going through a very late puberty. Every two seconds you hear something along the lines of: “she hardly had any fat and the curves of her buttocks”, etc.

The fight scenes were a redeeming quality though equally perplexing later in the series. Overall: the narration team made it interesting, some of the characters were funny then quickly forgotten. Romance in this book is bewildering at best, mostly a dude humble-bragging about how he knows these woman like him; then to say something about his dead fiancé that was totally forced. The first two books are paced quick enough to be less annoying. The third book should have just been left out.