Delphine has been trapped in emotional ice for most of her life until her verbally & emotionally abusive mother dies.

Gascoigne, himself trapped by debt, could really use the help of an heiress’ fortune. However, Delphine, though inexperienced, is not naive & decides to initiate a *mutually* beneficial relationship instead.

What follows is funny, sweet, & occasionally dangerous. Gascoigne is helping the Snow Queen thaw, but there’s honesty and then there’s honesty – and a few ice shards remain in case she needs to protect herself.

This relatively short novella moves at a brisk pace, and is so entertaining along the way, that I reached the happily-ever-after almost before I knew it.

While there were a few points where the plot was a bit weak & the “working” relationship stopped too soon to fully, effectively support their friends to lovers romance, it was still so well done that I barely noticed as I was reading & only noted it more upon reflection after I had finished the book.

Romance level: sweet kisses

Religion: a few uses of the Lord’s Name in vain, sadly including an unnecessary use of cursing in God’s Name

Language: a handful of d*mn’s + a h*ll or two