I do enjoy that they are actually just playing a video game. It completely removes it from being an actual Isekai (my favorite genera), but it still has that feel. Kinda like how Sword Art Online is. Just without being trapped inside at stages of the story. I love how it doesn’t bog you down with stats! That is my least favorite part of LitRPGs. But the West doesn’t seem to have a true Isekai genera… so I’m taking what I can get. But giving the stats at the end of each chapter is great. When I am curious: I listen. I skip to the next chapter when I’m not.

The MC is interesting. He isn’t the most impressive, but he is relatable. I’m enjoying how they are not only NOT shoving an immediate love interest in from the beginning… the fact that he is a widower who is still struggling with the loss adds to the complexity of the MC’s character. The side characters are enjoyable too. They each stand out as individuals. The world build isn’t the most expansive ever, but it shows potential.

I do wish Audible would allow 1/2 stars. Because it feels wrong giving this just 3; but it’s not quite a 4. But it seems like people just give 5 stars to anything they just like. 5 stars should be held out for top tier masterpieces. So my higher ratings aren’t as freely given. But to me: 3.5 means that’s it’s an enjoyable story that is definitely worth listening too. I’m not sure about the replay value yet. Not enough of the story to determine that as of yet. But it’s left me definitely wanting to continue into book 2.

One positive so far is that it’s not just audio porn. Already ran into that more than once on here. The story doesn’t need that to grip you. It stands on it’s own merit. The author has a good imagination. The narrators do a good job as well. The most important part for me is: “Is it immersive? Do I want to be in that world?” I say “yes” to both.