Mr. Bagwell, I dare you to try to use the phrase “in an instant” more times in the next book. I began to cringe every time I heard it. It was used so often, I began to hate it.

Overall, the style of both the narration and the writing are getting old. The cadence and tone of the narration seems off sometimes and just doesn’t feel like it fits what’s going on. Maybe that lines up with how the characters are written though, which also feels hard to believe. “OMG you’re okay!” No kidding, if I died, I’d respawn. The characters’ fear of death or injury seems ridiculous at times. I understand that in certain scenarios, it matters a lot, but there are plenty of times, I just don’t see why anyone in the game is overly concerned. Generally speaking, the characters are getting harder and harder to believe. Their conversations just don’t seem real anymore.

Also, some of the deep explanations of spells swirling around and mana coiling up and around and all over the place get old. For example, at this point, we all know what Custom Skeleton looks like: bones explode out of a corpse, flesh flies off, bones swirling around, etc etc we get it. Too much detail of things we’ve heard over and over. Too much detail of things that just don’t elevate a scene.

I’ve enjoyed the series, but I no longer feel compelled to continue. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.