This was the first audiobook I completed from start to finish. I like that the narrator has each character tell their own part of the story, from their thoughts/view point, BUT I really struggled to get into the idea of Kellen loving an underage girl. It really pulls you in both ways as he takes care of her and truly loves her, but also felt it was a bit “rape-ish” in the aspect of perhaps he is a bit sick in the head from thinking about her from the day he first wrecked. On the other hand, the author tugs the heartstrings in the aspect of, how could Wavy NOT love or fall in love with the only man who showed her the least bit of compassion/care? In a life like hers, where even her mom didn’t want a connection with her. It kind of makes you realize, I think this goes on in far more households in America than we’d like to admit/accept. It was well written though, and I liked that about it.