not bad, I had gone in hoping for more mystery around the threat but it becomes pretty obvious what’s happening. The characters are written well enough though I felt some got underused.

Only other real complaint was some themes seemed to just be kinda thrown in to make the reader feel something but not really built upon. like the racism was was brought up and Jefferson even battled with himself internally a bit for how he acted towards the ONLY other black member of the crew and how he may have tried harder for him which I was expecting they would have some revelation, being that his the other crewman becomes a vampire very early but then Jefferson just as quickly killed off and that’s the end of that.

they then also bring up themes of homophobia and drug abus which I guess are handled “better” than the theme of racism since it gets some kind of resolution but it’s not actually happening to any of the characters so it’s kinda weird.

I felt like the author just wanted to just cover all the taboo topics as possible cuz at the very end the book introduces a pedophile it was just kinda weird that none of these themes were just kinda there