I put off reading Emberhawk thinking it might not be my cup of tea. Then Silver Blood as a sequel won a Realm Award.
I devoured Emberhawk and then Silver Blood. I then bought the books on Audible (one credit, one purchase since it was a bargain price). The narrator is excellent providing distinct accents and voices for each character.
Silver Blood is such a compelling sequel because it focuses on the damaged Lysander, an assassin destined for execution and Brooke the first woman chieftess of her tribe mislabeled a witch.
Of course there’s more Kira and Rion! And threats to the Tribal Alliance on all sides.
This story is well-paced with character development and political intrigue mixed with adventure. I love the multiple POVs and the ending is both satisfying and leaves the reader wanting more. The Realm Award is well-deserved!
Now I need book 3 yesterday!
Review from Silverblood →