The thing that continuously amazes me about the books in this series is how well written they are. Just like its predecessors, the TRU story is filled with fully fleshed-out characters working their way through interesting plot lines which make it difficult to stop listening to. It’s everything I can do to pull myself away when I should be tending to other things. That’s the mark of great authorship. So kudos to Aiden Bates and Ali Lyda. And of course, once again, David Allen Vargo’s narration dazzles us with his multitude of character voices and superb acting. Each subsequent book sees him revealing more of his amazing versatility. The two grandmothers are an absolute joy (wish there had been more of a story-line for them). The mother was a perfect snob and the sister was a hoot. Mr. Vargo has an amazing range, from deep, gruff- voiced Beau, to the Thai grandmother. It’s hard to believe it was the same person. You can bet, I’m anxiously waiting for the next installment of Hell’s Ankhor.