This eighth installment in the ‘Hell’s Ankhor’ series can be read as a stand-alone. I, however, have read 5 previous books and have already been introduced to the main characters. I had some trepidation going into this book. Joker was not a likable character in the books leading up to this one. Since I had already listened to and liked all the books that came before, I took a chance and requested a free review copy of Joker’s story. I needn’t have had even a moment’s hesitation; Aiden Bates and Ali Lyda give Joker’s behavior realistic causes. By the end of the story, his character is changed for the better.

Joker has found a family in the Hell’s Ankhor Crew MC but still feels like an outsider. Because of events in his past he is insecure about his ability to contribute meaningfully to the club, so when scrutiny is placed on him he reverts to his angry and abrasive reactionary defense mechanisms. Brennan, a construction worker hired to do renovations at the clubhouse, recognizes this in Joker and patiently draws out the softer side of Joker. As Joker’s deepest shameful secret comes closer to being revealed, will he allow Brennan to continue to lend support or will he fall back to pushing him away?

This is my favorite kind of romantic story. The main couple have conversations until they consider themselves to be friends, they do romantic things together and then move on to something more intimate. I love when an author lets the couple actually spend time alone together for several scenes before the sexy times get stated. It makes it more real-life for me. Another thing the authors do a terrific job with is Joker’s backstory. The reader gets a sense of his struggle to keep things hidden for fear of disdain or abandonment by his friends. Brennan is there to help him understand he can trust that everyone will stand with him no matter what. It’s a very well-written journey the reader takes with Joker.

David Allen Vargo’s narration is well-done as well. He infuses a lot of emotion into the telling of the story.

This is my voluntary reaction to ‘Joker’, the 8th book of the ‘Hell’s Ankhor’ series.
