Sweet, steamy and heartfelt.   I really enjoyed the narrator, he really developed each of the MC’s and gave them dimension with his focus on expressing their personality with his voice.  Plus he gave all of the characters their own voices and that really brought the whole group to life. 

Joker really had gotten so good at hiding behind his very bad jokes that he was losing all connection with the other club members. I really loved how Brennan looked, really looked behind the obnoxious exterior and saw the real man.  His acceptance and steady presence really made all the difference for Joker.  I really enjoyed these guys finding a connection and slowly building to an intimate relationship. This is a slow-burn, compared with some of this series, but it is so worth the read.  

 This is the eighth book in the Hell’s Ankhor series and can be read as a stand-alone.  I do however recommend reading the books in the order of the series because it will give you a lot of insight and back stories of the many characters in this motorcycle club.