There is something about a story that is not only about love and acceptance, but has the ability to realize your own self worth and finding your happiness. This is about Jimmy and Mark. They have met years ago and had a life changing one night stand. It ended under precarious circumstances, and now several years later, they meet again. But when Mark sees Jimmy as a waiter in the restaurant he is sitting in, he has no idea he is the same man. The attraction is there, and now taking the time to get to know each other, they are finding out what love really is. But what will happen when Mark remembers? And the secrets are revealed? Rick R Reed writes about relevant issues that are faced by so many. He doesn’t sugar coat any part of it, but also adds an air of compassion for both of these characters. Jimmy is lovable. He has had a tough life, and now that he is on track, I love how focused he has become. Not only taking care of himself, but others too, he has come a long way. Mark, a little older but not a lot wiser took a little to warm up to. He was the scorned one, and it took him some time to see what is right in front of him. It’s a fabulous story of love and life and is one that should not be missed.

David Allen Vargo is our narrator, and he has such a good voice, it is always a pleasure to listen to him. He gets to know his characters, picking the best voices and knowing their emotional measure. I love his effects with their inner monologues, letting us hear the characters’ thoughts as if we are hearing them. He tuned into Jimmy and Mark perfectly, giving us the feelings of deceit, frustration, fear, grief and love, each using their personality takes and making the listen extremely realistic. This is a must listen!