This was a very intense, emotional, and raw story. There was sadness and darkness here, but also light and hope.
After a rough past and struggles with substance abuse, Jimmy has started a new life. He has a job, and an apartment, a sponsor, and he’s clean. He’s been so focused on his recovery that he hasn’t looked for love, but he does feel lonely and wishes he had someone.
One day, he serves breakfast to an incredibly nice and handsome man. Jimmy realizes he knows this man, but their last encounter wasn’t a great one, and he’s hopeful for a second chance.
Mark doesn’t recognize Jimmy, but he thinks he’s charming and sexy. He’s totally interest, and as they spend more time together, he’s totally smitten. Until he remembers that night…
This is a story of recovery, of change, of learning that your happiness is dependent on you and you can’t find it in anyone else. A story of forgiveness and new starts; a story of hope.