‘The Perils of Intimacy’ is an emotional tale of redemption, forgiveness, and a second chance at love for Mark and Jimmy. The book is well-written with a coherent plotline, adults who behave and communicate like adults, and multiple lovely scenes of Jimmy and Mark getting reacquainted. One of Reed’s storytelling attributes that I’m less fond of occurs in this book–a lot of internal angst-ing by the main characters. Rather than allowing each man’s harmful and circular beliefs go on-and-on, Reed, thankfully, resolves the self-destructive perceptions quickly. On the whole, it left me feeling upbeat about Mark and Jimmy’s future happiness.

The narration performance by David Allen Vargo is good. He delivers a measure of emotional depth and distinct voices that make it easy to lose oneself in the story.

I have written this review following request and receipt of an ARC provided by Gay Romance Reviews.
