Randy’s living a lie, living the life of a straight, married, family man, while suppressing other urges, other desires. He’s always had them. On some level, Randy KNOWS he’s gay. Apparently, so does his wife, and when Randy reaches the breaking point, his wife tells him it’s time to be true to himself, “Unraveling” is the story of Randy finally exploring this truth, HIS truth. Pulling no punches, the writing is open, honest, and non sensationalized. While this story is not easy for anyone involved, I found the plot to be clear, beautifully written, easy to understand, easy to follow, and completely believable! The emotion is palpable, and the fabulously written dialogue rings true. I was throughly engrossed and engaged from beginning to end! The characters are beautifully drawn, beautifully defined, span the full spectrum of likability and have a decidedly real feel. Everything about this story has a decidedly real feel, I found the narration that brings this story to life to be fabulous! Both scene setting and dialogue are done beautifully with clear consistent voicing choices and wonderfully emotive inflection that really added to the “feel” of this beautiful story! While not an easy listen at times, Unraveling is a story that needs to be heard. Five fabulous stars!