I’m torn on this book. I like the story & the world building. I like the characters alot. I like the steamy sex.
I didn’t like the forced vibes of it though. & I know your thinking “vibes?” WTH? It is or it isn’t. Well because of the “animal instincts” of the wolf it comes off as not really having a choice. The male becomes lust blind & forceful. & The females are even more lust blind with their wolf taking over, & leaving them with no control of their own body. Because of this, I don’t like this writers take on shifters. At-least in this book. Also the book was mostly sex than story.
Was it worth the money/credit? Yes Infact still debating if I’m going on to next book or not.
With that being said only get this book if: your sexualy adventurous, don’t have a trigger on forced encounters, like a strong, possessive, brooding, Alfa male who likes control then affectionate sweetheart. A strong willed spicy female ready to protect her mate then this is for you.