The first book in the Time Rangers series. I am anxiously awaiting book two. Time travel SciFi stories can seem to be overdone and often model themselves after HG Wells Time Machine or several TV series since before the 1960s. This author has not only added enough original elements but has created a well developed universe in Earths future. The tech is not over the top and believable. Not all is revealed (yet) regarding the origins of the Nexus Point and boomerang events. While ingenuity and imagination are key elements for a good SciFi novel, the author masterfully shows perfect use of dialog and setting the various scenes. Blending actual historical events into the story was done well and did not drag the pace of the story.
Time Runners are travelers messing with events in the past to change the present or even the future. Time Rangers are trained soldiers sent back to stop the dramatic twisting of the timeline. Can they do that without subtle changes? Will they come back to find how different the present has changed or will they screw up on a mission and not be able to stop a runner. What are the consequences? The interaction between the main character, a genetically altered human and his father, his superior officer is well done. The father has visions and aspirations of fast tracking his son to command. The son wants to forge his own path and earn not only the respect of his peers but promotions in his career. Can the people Sawyer surrounds himself be trusted? Can they trust him? Of course there are more secret agendas that need to be revealed later in the series.
The narration was well done and the voice actor performance gave each character unique and believable ‘voices’ to what is written on the page.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to book two and beyond.