It’s very hard to imagine someone enjoying this. It’s repetitive, ultra-generic, sub-dime-store drivel. People read this? Seriously?

Beyond the protagonist being a waste of oxygen, we get a fantasy world into which he wishes to escape. Look, I’ve read and watched my share of isekai stories… but this one is just bad. Who cares if you’re in a video game pod and never have to go to the bathroom? This is a feature? Or what about the supposedly advanced AI that make quippy conversation, yet fail miserably at the most basic tactics. A world full of unaware “mobs” (that’s ‘mobile objects, kids) that don’t even fight together when you blast one of them while they’re “pathing?” Wooo, yeah, this is advanced stuff. Sure wish I lived in a world of incompetent, poorly scripted 3D objects! What could be more fun than that?!