Ummmm 3.5 ⭐’s
Book 1: Eye of Obscurance

How could I resist a fantasy narrated by Travis Baldree! So yeah I immediately snatched up the audiobook book.
It did not disappoint either although it started out a little slower than I like, there was actually a few more characters that we needed to get to know. Basically there were two MC’s, Roa an acrobat with a bone to pick and Jase a thief with a contract to fill. But there was more that ended up in their merry band too. Like Nareen the wizard princess, and Adin her guard, Salvon the storyteller, and Rokabon the exile. Call it fate if you will, but some had connections and well the others made connections as their friendship grew.

Book 2 Balance of Magic

Again the book wasn’t quite to my liking… There wasn’t as much of Jase and Roa as I would have wanted. In fact due to circumstances the merry band formed in the first book was broken in two. And seemingly it took half a book before they got back together again. Whereupon the books pacing got better. But at least there’s a Dragon, so that’s something.

Book 3 Temple of the Oracle

Temple of the Oracle has it’s ups and downs with pacing. Up until they head into the frozen forest it’s pretty tight, but then it starts slowing down and by the time they reach the Temple the pacing slows down to a crawl! It does pickup in the last couple of hours as they hafta fight the goblin horde including several goblin shaman…
Grab the boxed set if you’re into fantasy, wizard’s, dwarfs, goblins, and dragons! And Travis Baldree can do no wrong!