ironically this is one of the better VRMMOs I’ve read. That doesn’t mean it is good. The dystopia is fine enough, imprisoning people in a game for rich people is an interesting idea, but everything else is too far past my suspension of disbelief.

For one thing, the author didn’t figure out in advance why anyone would want to do this as a form of prison in the first place. At first it seemed like he was going to work for one of the rich people who play the game, but then the author abandons that idea and decides that it’s actually really profitable to have them hang out and play a video game. But then, why do you have to be rich to play the game? Doesn’t make sense.

VRMMOs all struggle with stakes and this one struggles more than most. Then about halfway thru the book he just declares a bunch of characters in danger of dying in a way that makes no sense, reminds me of Michael Scott at an improv class.

This one was free and I had an ok time but I’m not going to pay for the next one